Artch Festival
Artch opening
Square Dorchester — 6PM – 9PM
Come celebrate our 5th year anniversary during the opening.


Square Dorchester - Montréal
A unique opportunity to discover and buy contemporary art, support emerging artists, meet ne people and have beer in the Square, offered by Boldwin.
Don’t miss the performance scheduled during the opening :
*Émilie Racine, Perséphone, 6PM
*Inès Barthelet, Les douches solaires, spontanious
*Samuel Alie, Créer une cuillère, on going
*Po B.K. Lomami, Permanence, spontanious
Alongside the offering of our first grant #jecollectionne offered by Loto-Québec
Free event, open to all
Please RSVP
Join us for the opening of the festival.