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Practical guidelines: Responding to calls for artists

Practical guidelines: Responding to calls for artists

Activity Workshop Practical guidelines: Responding to calls for artists This training is part of a series of five empowering workshops, free and open to everyone, presented by Power Corporation of Canada. Overview Develop essential skills to confidently and clearly...
Practical guidelines : Producing an exhibition

Practical guidelines : Producing an exhibition

Activity Workshop Practical guidelines : Producing an exhibition This training is part of a series of five empowering workshops, free and open to all, presented by Power Corporation of Canada. Presentation Trainers Sarah Kitzy Gineau-Delyon and Ana Lasevitch will...
Ground is the bottom of anything

Ground is the bottom of anything

  Exhibition  Ground is the bottom of anything artch is pleased to present Nina Vroemen’s first solo exhibition, Ground is the bottom of anything, in collaboration with L’Écart art center from January 29 to March 23, 2025. This exhibition is part of Plein...

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