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Practical guidelines: Responding to calls for artists

This training is part of a series of five empowering workshops, free and open to everyone, presented by Power Corporation of Canada.


Develop essential skills to confidently and clearly respond to calls for projects. This training will guide you through preparing strong applications, crafting a compelling proposal, and tailoring your submission to meet jury expectations. Ideal for artists looking to maximize their chances of success and stand out in the professional art world.

The workshop will be conducted in French.


Sarah Kitzy Gineau-Delyon
Director of artch, Mentor

With a master’s degree from the Sorbonne and a certification as a tour guide specializing in contemporary art, Sarah is skilled in writing and speaking about art. She worked for several years in Paris, contributing to the cultural mediation department at the Palais de Tokyo and the Laboratoire de la création. A passionate dance enthusiast, she also coordinated two editions of Juste Debout, an international Hip-Hop dance event. After a year in Kuala Lumpur working in an art gallery, Sarah decided to settle in Montreal. A micro-collector, hyperactive, and deeply passionate, she is a true Swiss Army knife in the visual arts sector. She has been the director of artch for the past four years.

Lise Fraïssé
Project Manager

Lise Fraïssé is a curator and cultural worker based in Montreal. She holds a master’s degree in art history from UQÀM. With experience as a cultural mediator and project manager for several contemporary art festivals in Montreal, she has collaborated with both emerging and established artists. She currently works as a project manager for artch in Quebec and internationally, supporting the promotion of emerging artists and the accessibility of art.

Artch - Radiating

27. 02.2025

3 to 5 pm


Centre culturel Calixa-Lavallée, 3819 Av. Calixa-Lavallée, Montreal, QC H2L 0C7

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